
2023-09-04 02:00:54 作者:黄泉路上唱咆哮!



    私人小组的button1_Click(BYVAL发件人为System.Object的,BYVAL E上_

        昏暗d为1 testDelegate =新testDelegate(AddressOf添加)


        对于我作为整数= 0〜10000
            TextBox1.Text = I + 1



如果您在使用.NET Framework 2.0版,并在调试器试试吧,环路将立即与IllegalOperationException终止。要纠正这一点,你将不得不使用Control.BeginInvoke()。从委托的的BeginInvoke()方法,顺便说一句。

一个完全不同的动物 毛不易,是个好文案



Isn't the use of delegates to help with some asynchronous cases? I tried the following but my UI still hangs. When on earth do you use delegates?

       Public Class Form1
    Private Delegate Sub testDelegate()

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As _
 System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        Dim d As testDelegate = New testDelegate(AddressOf Add)

    End Sub

    Private Sub Add()
        For i As Integer = 0 To 10000
            TextBox1.Text = i + 1
    End Sub
End Class


It's kind of ironic, but everybody's favorite answer (use BeginInvoke) is not in fact correct. The delegate target method will execute on a threadpool thread. You are not allowed to touch controls on a thread other than the thread that created them, almost always the program's main thread.

If you try it using the .NET framework version 2.0 and up in the debugger, the loop will immediately terminate with an IllegalOperationException. To correct that, you'll have to use Control.BeginInvoke(). A completely different animal from the delegate's BeginInvoke() method btw.

Now here's the irony, your loop will now dispatch 10,000 delegate invocation requests to the UI thread. It will spend several seconds executing them, not getting around to doing any real work. Like dispatch the TextBox's Paint event. Or respond to any user input. You are in fact much worse off than before.

I doubt this helps much explaining delegates. Maybe you can pick a better example, something that doesn't try to update controls.