
2023-09-03 11:44:06 作者:国产菇凉必须坚强

我想建立一个.NET应用程序进行处理音频,并使用ClickOnce部署分发。我需要访问原始音频管道。其中音频库我应该用?我听说管理库的DirectSound都是死路一条。我需要尽可能少要在客户机上安装。 ClickOnce的进程之外的任何内容都不去上班。

I want to build a .Net application for processing audio, and distribute it using ClickOnce deployment. I need access to a raw audio pipeline. Which audio library should I be using? I've heard the managed libraries for DirectSound are a dead end. I need as little as possible to be installed on the client's machine. Anything outside of the ClickOnce process isn't going to work.


NAudio might be a possibility, but isn't there potentially a separate driver install? There's also SlimDX.

这是一个耻辱 - 托管的DirectX库似乎很好地工作,从我读过的DirectX可以列入的ClickOnce安装。

It's a shame -- the managed DirectX libraries seem to work nicely and from what I've read, DirectX can be included in the ClickOnce install.


虽然不是免费的, Alvas。音频可能是值得考虑的。

Although not free, Alvas.Audio may be worth looking at.