
2023-09-03 11:41:54 作者:浅笑°Sunshine

我使用的是 zlib.NET 库来制造通胀,这是文件COM pressed由zlib的(在Linux中,也许)。下面是我在做什么:

I'm using the zlib.NET library to try and inflate files that are compressed by zlib (on a Linux box, perhaps). Here's what I'm doing:

zlib.ZInputStream zinput =
    new zlib.ZInputStream(File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));

while (stopByte != (data = zinput.ReadByte()))
  // check data here


数据字节符合COM pressed数据字节,所以我必须做一些错误的。

The data bytes match the compressed data bytes, so I must be doing something wrong.



It appears I made the mistake of assuming all virtual methods were overridden, which wasn't the case. I was using zlib.ZInputStream.ReadByte(), which is just the inherited Stream.ReadByte(), which doesn't do any inflate.


I used zlib.ZInputStream.Read() instead, and it worked like it should.