2023-09-03 11:39:30 作者:女孩,不哭


I hope i'm missing something obvious, but I'm having some troubles defining a method that takes a parameter of a method to fetch the method information for the passed method. I do NOT want actually execute the method.




Where GetNameById is a method defined on the interface ISomeInterface. In this case, an example of the method being passed in's signature would be:

 MyVarA GetNameById(int id){ .... }

在上面的例子中,所述的 SetResolverMethod 的的身体应该能够返回/存储字符串GetNameById。

In the above example, the SetResolverMethod's body should be able to return / store the string "GetNameById".


There is no standard signature the method being passed in will conform to (except that it will always return an object of some kind).


Currently I'm setting the method as a string (i.e. "GetNameById"), but I want it to be compile time checked, hence this question.



It's not particularly pretty/fluent but if you really want to avoid having to pass dummy parameter values then you can use an expression that returns a delegate.

SetResolverMethod<ISomeInterface>(x => new Func<int, MyVarA>(x.GetNameById));

SetResolverMethod 的实施将是这个样子:

The SetResolverMethod implementation would look something like this:

public void SetResolverMethod<T>(Expression<Func<T, Delegate>> expr)
    var unary = (UnaryExpression) expr.Body;
    var methodCall = (MethodCallExpression) unary.Operand;
    var constant = (ConstantExpression) methodCall.Arguments[2];
    var method = (MethodInfo) constant.Value;

编辑:如果你愿意创建为集重载每个 Func键与其中的;&GT; 委托,可以提高流畅度由包括你的方法的泛型参数类型的方法参数类型。

If you're willing to create as set of overloads for each Func<> delegate, you can improve the fluency by including the method parameter types in the generic parameter types of your method.

p.SetResolverMethod<ISomeInterface, int, MyVarA>(x => x.GetNameById);


As you can see, the caller no longer needs to specify a delegate type, thus saving around 8 characters.


I've implemented three overloads for 0, 1 and 2 parameters:

public void SetResolverMethod<T, TResult>(Expression<Func<T, Func<TResult>>> expr)
    SetResolverMethod((LambdaExpression) expr);

public void SetResolverMethod<T, T1, TResult>(Expression<Func<T, Func<T1, TResult>>> expr)
    SetResolverMethod((LambdaExpression) expr);

public void SetResolverMethod<T, T1, T2, TResult>(Expression<Func<T, Func<T1, T2, TResult>>> expr)
    SetResolverMethod((LambdaExpression) expr);

private void SetResolverMethod(LambdaExpression expr)
    var unary = (UnaryExpression) expr.Body;
    var methodCall = (MethodCallExpression) unary.Operand;
    var constant = (ConstantExpression) methodCall.Arguments[2];
    var method = (MethodInfo) constant.Value;