
2023-09-03 10:46:28 作者:旧人不覆


I am searching for .NET copy-on-write collections to use in C# programs, such as List, Dictionary, etc. Which collections have that property?


包括参考 FSharp.Core 。然后,您可以访问多种集合类是不可变的(设置列表地图等。)

Include the reference FSharp.Core. And then you have access to many kinds of collections which is immutable (Set, List, Map etc.)

这些位于 Microsoft.FSharp.Collections


var map = MapModule.Empty<string, int>();
var newMap = map.Add("key", 1);


You probably want to define some extension methods so you can call directly on map.

更新:首创置业团队正在不可改变的集合中提到的对方的回答这使得这部分过时。 F#集合仍然可以使用,但BCL集合有多个C#感觉他们

Update: The BCL team is working on immutable collections as mentioned in the other answer which makes this partly obsolete. F# collections can still be used, but BCL collections have a more C# feel to them.


Direct link to Nuget package: Immutable Collections