decimal.TryParse()下降导致" 1"decimal、TryParse、QUOT

2023-09-04 01:44:41 作者:俄詪现实



On one machine out of around a hundred test machines decimal.TryParse() is converting "1.01" to 0.01


Okay, this is going to sound crazy but bear with me...

我们有通过JSON web服务通信的客户端应用程序,并且该服务返回一个十进制值作为一个字符串,所以我们将其存储在我们的模型对象的字符串:

We have a client applications that communicates with a webservice through JSON, and that service returns a decimal value as a string so we store it as a string in our model object:

[DataMember(Name = "value")]
public string Value { get; set; }

当我们在屏幕上显示它被格式化的小数位数的特定数量的值。因此,我们在使用的过程是字符串 - >十进制小数,然后 - >字符串

When we display that value on screen it is formatted to a specific number of decimal places. So the process we use is string -> decimal then decimal -> string.


The application is currently undergoing final testing and is running on more than 100 machines, where this all works fine. However on one machine if the decimal value has a leading '1' then it is replaced by a zero. I added simple logging to the code so it looks like this:

Log("Original string value: {0}", value);
decimal val;
if (decimal.TryParse(value, out val))
    Log("Parsed decimal value: {0}", val);
    string output = val.ToString(format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
    Log("Formatted string value: {0}", output);
    return output;

在我的机器上 - 任何其它客户机 - 日志文件输出是:

On my machine - any every other client machine - the logfile output is:

  在原始字符串值:1.010000   在解析的十进制值:1.010000   在格式化字符串值:1.01    Original string value: 1.010000 Parsed decimal value: 1.010000 Formatted string value: 1.01


On the defective machine the output is:

  在原始字符串值:1.010000   在解析的十进制值:0.010000   在格式化字符串值:0.01    Original string value: 1.010000 Parsed decimal value: 0.010000 Formatted string value: 0.01


So it would appear that the decimal.TryParse method is at fault.


卸载并重新安装客户端应用程序 卸载并重新安装.NET 3.5 SP1 的数字(以英语(英国))对那些工作机的比较残次机的区域设置 - 无差异


Has anyone seen anything like this or has any suggestions? I'm quickly running out of ideas...


While I was typing this some more info came in: Passing a string value of "10000" to Convert.ToInt32() returns 0, so that also seems to drop the leading 1.


1.01 - > 0.01 在111.01 - > 11.01 在123.01 - > 23.01 在231.01 - > 231.01 在01.01 - > 1.01


So it would appear that it only affects 1s and only if they are the first character of the string. Very odd, but at least it's consistent.


我能够重现你的结果。 试想一下:

I am able to reproduce your results. Consider:

public NumberFormatInfo OneIsPositiveSignFormat()
    NumberFormatInfo custom = new NumberFormatInfo();
    custom.PositiveSign = "1";
    return custom;


if (decimal.TryParse(value, NumberStyles.Number, OneIsPositiveSignFormat(), out val))


The thing is: Regional Settings does not show you the current positive sign, and mainly: you did not set the culture when parsing the number.


The value may come from various locations: It may have come from the registry as the system defaults, or the defaults could have been set by code:

CultureInfo customCulture = (CultureInfo)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Clone();
customCulture.NumberFormat = OneIsPositiveSignFormat();
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = customCulture;