
2023-09-03 09:57:06 作者:小满足╰

我的理解是,.NET应用程序与平台无关,那么纯.NET code要么在86或64位的机器上运行。除非你的.NET code调用一些本地code,那么它是依赖于平台。是真的吗?

My understanding is that a .NET application is platform independent, so pure .NET code should run either on a x86 or on a 64-bit machine. Unless your .NET code call some native code, then it is platform dependent. Is that true?


.NET 应用可以编译为目标的x86,x64或两者。通常情况下,你会如果你依赖于一个COM控件,它不能用于其他平台等目标只是一个平台。

.NET applications can be compiled as targeting x86, x64, or "Both". Typically, you'd target just one platform if you rely on a COM control that is not available for the other platform, etc.