
2023-09-04 01:40:29 作者:蒹葭苍苍


I have a class called Question that has a property called Type. Based on this type, I want to render the question to html in a specific way (multiple choice = radio buttons, multiple answer = checkboxes, etc...). I started out with a single RenderHtml method that called sub-methods depending on the question type, but I'm thinking separating out the rendering logic into individual classes that implement an interface might be better. However, as this class is persisted to the database using NHibernate and the interface implementation is dependent on a property, I'm not sure how best to layout the class.


public class Question
    public Guid ID { get; set; }
    public int Number { get; set; }
    public QuestionType Type { get; set; }
    public string Content { get; set; }
    public Section Section { get; set; }
    public IList<Answer> Answers { get; set; }


Based on the QuestionType enum property, I'd like to render the following (just an example):

   <input type="[Depends on QuestionType property]" /> [Answer Value]
   <input type="[Depends on QuestionType property]" /> [Answer Value]
   <input type="[Depends on QuestionType property]" /> [Answer Value]


Currently, I have one big switch statement in a function called RenderHtml() that does the dirty work, but I'd like to move it to something cleaner. I'm just not sure how.




I ended up going with the strategy pattern using the following interface:

public interface IQuestionRenderer
    string RenderHtml(Question question);


public class MultipleChoiceQuestionRenderer : IQuestionRenderer
    #region IQuestionRenderer Members

    public string RenderHtml(Question question)
        var wrapper = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
        wrapper.ID = question.ID.ToString();
        wrapper.Attributes.Add("class", "question-wrapper");

        var content = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
        content.Attributes.Add("class", "question-content");
        content.InnerHtml = question.Content;

        var answers = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
        answers.Attributes.Add("class", "question-answers");

        foreach (var answer in question.Answers)
            var answerLabel = new HtmlGenericControl("label");
            answerLabel.Attributes.Add("for", answer.ID.ToString());

            var answerTag = new HtmlInputRadioButton();
            answerTag.ID = answer.ID.ToString();
            answerTag.Name = question.ID.ToString();
            answer.Value = answer.ID.ToString();

            var answerValue = new HtmlGenericControl();
            answerValue.InnerHtml = answer.Value + "<br/>";

        var stringWriter = new StringWriter();
        var htmlWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(stringWriter);
        return stringWriter.ToString();



The modified Question class uses an internal dictionary like so:

public class Question
    private Dictionary<QuestionType, IQuestionRenderer> _renderers = new Dictionary<QuestionType, IQuestionRenderer>
        { QuestionType.MultipleChoice, new MultipleChoiceQuestionRenderer() }

    public Guid ID { get; set; }
    public int Number { get; set; }
    public QuestionType Type { get; set; }
    public string Content { get; set; }
    public Section Section { get; set; }
    public IList<Answer> Answers { get; set; }

    public string RenderHtml()
        var renderer = _renderers[Type];
        return renderer.RenderHtml(this);

看起来pretty的干净的给我。 :)

Looks pretty clean to me. :)



让所有的HTML渲染器实现一个共同的接口,例如 IQuestionRenderer ,具有方法名渲染(问题)

的实例字典&LT; QuestionType,IQuestionRenderer&GT; 在应用程序中。填充它在初始化时,也许是基于一个配置文件。

Have an instance of Dictionary<QuestionType, IQuestionRenderer> in your application. Populate it at initialization time, perhaps based on a configuration file.

有关的问题,一个给定的情况下,这样做:渲染[question.Type] .Render(问题)

For a given instance of a question, do: renderers[question.Type].Render(question)

或者,你可以有一个名为方法 RenderXXX XXX是问题的类型,并通过使用反射调用它们。

Or, you could have methods named RenderXXX where XXX is the question type, and invoke them by using reflection.