
2023-09-03 08:29:35 作者:许多愁

我读过有关 scrypt 和它的一些优势的的 bcrypt 在某些情况下哈希算法。

I've read about scrypt and some of its advantages over the bcrypt hashing algorithm in certain circumstances.


Anyhow, it seems scrypt isn't as widely used yet. Has anyone seen so far a .NET implementation of it (favored in C#)?


最后,我发现scrypt的实现在C#中的 CryptSharp库。 图书馆是开源的,并使用 ISC许可证。

Finally I found an implementation of scrypt in C# in the CryptSharp library. The library is open source and uses the ISC license.



1.2.0 2011年1月23日:   该SCrypt KDF现在支持为CryptSharp.Utility.SCrypt。   新增DJB的Salsa20,通过SCrypt必需的。

1.2.0 January 23, 2011: The SCrypt KDF is now supported as CryptSharp.Utility.SCrypt. Added djb's Salsa20, required by SCrypt.