
2023-09-04 01:22:06 作者:耍酷是爷的资本

我有我想要在任务栏显示图标;不过,我不想要这个图标,在标题栏中显示。我试着设置 ShowIcon 来假的,但在这两个标题栏,任务栏隐藏我的图标。有没有什么办法可以只隐藏标题栏?

I have an icon that I want to display in the taskbar; however, I don't want this icon to display in the title bar. I tried setting ShowIcon to false, but that hides my icon in both the title bar and the task bar. Is there any way to only hide it in the title bar?



Based on the link Riz sent me in a comment to his answer, this was the solution I used:

using(Bitmap emptyImage = new Bitmap(1, 1))
    Native.SendMessage(this.Handle, Native.WM_SETICON, Native.ICON_SMALL, emptyImage.GetHicon());