
2023-09-03 07:34:47 作者:盛夏之末

我们有code,它读取一组SQL脚本文件,并做一些处理在他们之后把他们分为批次通过寻找走出去的关键字,然后将每一批到SQL Server使用单独的SqlCommon。

We have code that reads in a set of SQL script file, and after doing some processing on them splits them into batches by finding the "GO" keyword and then sends each batch to Sql Server using a separate SqlCommon.


Is there a better way of doing this so we:

请不要有尽可能多的往返 从不具有SQL Server等待下一批 运行得更快。


(The batches are mostly creating tables, index, views and stored procs. Speed is an issue as our integration tests calls the code often. The sql-server common line tools may not be installed on the machine that is running this code.)


最快的解决办法是在GO事实上分裂。然而,另一种选择是使用SQL管理对象(SMO)和发送整个脚本到SQL Server一举因为如果你使用Management Studio。

The fastest solution is in fact splitting on GO. However, another alternative is to use the SQL Management Objects (SMO) and send the entire script to SQL Server in one fell swoop as if you were using Management Studio.

var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[ connectionStringName ].ConnectionString;
using ( var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection( connectionString ) )
    var server = new Server( new ServerConnection( sqlConnection ) );
    server.ConnectionContext.ExecuteNonQuery( sqlFileContents );

SQL Server管理对象(SMO)