
2023-09-03 07:07:19 作者:趁早@

我发表我的asp.net MVC 3应用程序在Windows Azure中,当我去我的网站我看到错误很抱歉,在处理您的请求时出现错误。这是什么意思?

I publish my asp.net mvc 3 app in windows azure and when I go my site I see error "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request." what does it mean?



As others suggested there could be scores of things went wrong which cause this problem. I would suggest you to read the suggestion given in the following post to start investigating your problem:


下面是你需要添加到web.config中从ASP.NET应用程序连接SQL Azure的数据库连接字符串

Here is the connection string you would need to add into web.config to connect SQL Azure DB from ASP.NET application

<add name="SQLAzureConnection" connectionString="Data Source=<ProvideServerName>.database.windows.net;Initial Catalog=TestDb;User ID=<ProvideUserName>;Password=<ProvidePassword>;Encrypt=true;Trusted_Connection=false;"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />