
2023-09-04 01:15:20 作者:欲戴皇冠手拿權杖占妳爲王

我目前使用的IFilter提取各种文件中的文本(WORD,EXCEL,TIFF,PDF等)。据我所知,IFilter的已停产的Windows 8。有没有人对如何提取文本,而不本机应用程序的任何建议正装​​?如果它的任何使用我使用C#和.NET 4

I'm currently using IFilters to extract text from various file (word, excel, tiff, pdf etc). I understand that IFilters have been discontinued with Windows 8. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to extract text without the native apps being installed? If it's any use I'm using C# and .Net 4


的IFilter 未停产。只有Windows索引服务停止支持Windows搜索或Microsoft搜索服务器。双方继续使用IFilter的。

IFilter is not discontinued. Only the Windows Indexing Service is discontinued in favor of Windows Search or Microsoft Search Server. Both continue to use IFilters.

根据本文档,要点对于IFilter的向前兼容性是他们所支持的 IPersistStream接口接口。所有现代的实现应避免要求 IPersistStorage ,所以他们没有访问磁盘本身。

According to this documentation, the main point of compatibility for IFilters going forward are that they support the IPersistStream interface. All modern implementations should avoid requiring IPersistStorage, so they don't have to access the disk themselves.
