
2023-09-03 07:00:15 作者:自此相关

出席奥斯陆会谈结束后/ MI我挣扎了一下,看看用它比现有的方法和在什么情况下,它是有用的优势。

After attending a talk on Oslo/M I am struggling a bit to see the advantages of using it over existing methods and in what situation it would be useful.


I know its quite new and not all details have been released etc but can some one give me some advantages and when you might use it?




这个问题似乎有你要找的答案: 什么是模型驱动开发好处?

This questions seems to have the answer you're looking for: What is model driven development good for?

埃里克·怀恩对这个主题一个很好的博客,帖子: 奥斯陆== 42

Erik Wynne has a nice blog-post on this topic: Oslo == 42

他还链接了一个帖子MSDN上,也包含了一些有趣的想法: 为什么我们需要奥斯陆?

He also links to a post on MSDN, that contains some interesting thoughts: Why do we need Oslo?