单元测试框架 - 有哪些主要特点主要特点、框架、单元测试、有哪些

2023-09-03 06:43:07 作者:谁动了我的心弦


I've read a lot about the available .NET unit testing frameworks. What is not clear to me is what are the key features that differentiate the available frameworks. What are the must-have features that you look for when evaluating unit testing frameworks?



I agree that they are all quite similar when it comes to assertions and other basic features. Where they begin to differ is in more advanced options, such as scripting frameworks, build tools, automated integration, etc.


If you intend to run a highly automated build process using something like CruiseControl.NET with a lot of custom build options and custom scritpting I would probably use NUnit. There are a lot more hooks for triggering other actions based on the test results.

如果你是刚开始使用单元测试,只打算做基本的集成测试,我将与MSTest的坚持,因为它与Visual Studio的紧密集成,2008年(NUnit的有选择的IDE整合,但更好的工具,费钱。)

If you are just getting started with unit testing and only plan on doing basic integration testing I would stick with MStest because of its tight integration with Visual Studio 2008. (NUnit has options for integrating with the IDE but the better tools cost money.)


          | NUnit                            | MStest
Asserts   | missing some collection asserts  | missing some numeric/date asserts
Speed     | test run fast, faster setup on   | w/ VS 2008 no setup necessary on
          | servers and the like             | the client, test run fairly fast.
Options   | a lot of 3rd party add-ons and   | some 3rd party tools
          | other tools                      |
CC.NET    | good integration, lots of tools  | newer versions of CC.NET support
          | and options                      | MS test out of the box, not as
          |                                  | many add on tools