
2023-09-03 06:33:33 作者:倾一座城,淡一场梦


We store a bunch of weird document names on our web server (people upload them) that have various characters like spaces, ampersands, etc. When we generate links to these documents, we need to escape them so the server can look up the file by its raw name in the database. However, none of the built in .NET escape functions will work correctly in all cases.


UrlEn code 将正确处理这个问题:

UrlEncode will handle this correctly:


不过, UrlEn code 将没有的手柄您好There.docx 正确的:

HttpUtility.UrlEncode("Hello There.docx");

+ 符号只适用于URL参数,而不是文件名。有趣的是,这确实可以工作在Visual Studio测试Web服务器上而不是在IIS。

The + symbol is only valid for URL parameters, not document names. Interestingly enough, this actually works on the Visual Studio test web server but not on IIS.

UrlPathEn code 功能工作正常的空间:

The UrlPathEncode function works fine for spaces:

HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode("Hello There.docx");



这个链接是无效的,因为是PTED为URL散列甚至从来没有跨$ P $获取到服务器。

This link is invalid as the # is interpreted as a URL hash and never even gets to the server.


Is there a .NET utility method to escape all non-alphanumeric characters in a document name, or would I have to write my own?


有一个看的 Uri.EscapeDataString方法:

Uri.EscapeDataString("Hello There.docx")  // "Hello%20There.docx"

Uri.EscapeDataString("Hello#There.docx")  // "Hello%23There.docx"