"你好!世界"在.NET 4中产生3500页错误你好、错误、世界、QUOT

2023-09-03 05:45:58 作者:心软是最致命的脆弱

我运行Windows Vista和Visual Studio 2010,使用.NET 4中。 2 GB的RAM和800 MB可用。

I'm running Windows Vista and Visual Studio 2010, using .Net 4. 2 GB of RAM and about 800 MB free.

我创建一个Windows窗体应用程序并添加任何code到它。只要编译发布模式,关闭Visual Studio和启动应用程序。如果我看在任务管理器应用程序生成的3500页错误刚刚开始,什么都不做。

I create a Windows Form application and add no code to it. Just compile it in release mode, close Visual Studio and start the application. If I look in task manager the application generated 3500 page faults for just starting and doing nothing.

如果我创建一个控制台应用程序,只需添加到Console.ReadLine(); 来保持它打开它产生1500页错误

If I create a console application and just add a Console.ReadLine(); to keep it open it generates 1500 page faults.


Is that normal behaviour for .Net? These numbers seem ridiculously high to me.


您要明白,还有更多的code到.NET应用程序不仅仅是code,你写的。它具有加载程序集,分析它,编译它,执行它,然后加载各种支持库等。(其中一些可能需要类似的解析,compliling等)所有这些事情产生页面错误。 3500是不是在事物的宏伟计划,很多页面错误。

You have to understand that there's more code to a .net application than just the code you wrote. It has to load the assembly, parse it, compile it, execute it, then load in various support libraries, etc.. (some of which may require similar parsing, compliling, etc..) all of those things create page faults. 3500 is not that many page faults in the grand scheme of things.


As an example, I tried out a few "simple" console apps. More, run from a console, generates 750 page faults, and this is a pretty tiny app that does little more than echo from one input to the other. It's written in C, a lanugage that is not garbage collected, doesn't have a virtual machine, or a big runtime library that has to come with it (it's statically linked, so it's not depending on a runtime).


Given all that .NET does, a single line console app that just does a ReadLine using only 1500 page faults seems quite good.


I'm not even sure why you care about page faults. Perhaps you are coming from a platform where page faults are a bad thing. In Windows, processes are "page backed", which means that the OS memory maps an executable, and then demand loads pages as needed (this includes shared libraries, as well as the executable itself, icons, images, all kinds of things). Each of those pages generate a page fault when the OS needs to load them into memory. That's normal, and that's the way the OS works.
