
2023-09-03 05:38:09 作者:伤痛你忘了吗

我们正在用了StyleCop在我们的C#项目。在某些情况下,我们想避免,虽然规则。我知道你可以添加 //<自动生成/> 在文件的开头,使了StyleCop忽略它。但是,我不想忽略规则的整个文件 - 都不会被code只有一个街区。

We're using StyleCop in our C# projects. In some cases we'd like to avoid the rules though. I know you can add // <auto-generated /> in the beginning of the file to make StyleCop ignore it. However, I don't want to ignore the rules for the whole file - only a block of code within it.


Can I disable StyleCop for specific lines somehow?



You can suppress rules by adding attributes to blocks of code. Here's a simple example on a class from the blog post linked below, but you can do it on various members individually:

[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.StyleCop.CSharp.DocumentationRules", "SA1600:ElementsMustBeDocumented")]
public class MyUndocumentedClass
    public void MyUndocumentedMethod {}


There's a quick overview at an MSDN blog post and a fuller description of the attributes on MSDN.