
2023-09-04 00:52:27 作者:治愈系少男


I'm needing to parse a path into parts from within a portable class library and get things like the filename, extension, just directory name, etc.


All of these methods are fairly easy to access from within System.IO.Path, however, this doesn't seem to exist within portable class libraries. Is there an open source replacement for this or some other API that would give me the same functionality?


您可能能够使用或调整$ C $下System.IO.Path从单声道:的 https://github.com/mono/mono/blob/master/mcs/class/ corlib / System.IO / Path.cs

You may be able to use or adapt the code for System.IO.Path from Mono: https://github.com/mono/mono/blob/master/mcs/class/corlib/System.IO/Path.cs

编辑:另外,我的 PCL存储库提供了一些文件IO API来PCLS,包括 PortablePath.Combine()

Also, my PCL Storage library provides some file IO APIs to PCLs, including PortablePath.Combine().