
2023-09-03 04:38:11 作者:卟离卟弃

我怎么能一个24位彩色 System.Drawing.Bitmap 转换为一个索引(256色)格式?我有麻烦工作如何计算调色板。我可以遍历像素,并使用 INT [] 包含各种颜色,但是当有超过256种颜色的问题就来了。有没有一种方法来转换为索引的格式,并从提取256色调色板的位图

How can I convert a 24-bit colour System.Drawing.Bitmap to an indexed (256-colour) format? I'm having trouble working out how to calculate the palette. I can iterate over the pixels and use an int[] to contain the various colours but the problem comes when there are more than 256 colours. Is there a way to convert to an indexed format and extract a 256-colour palette from an Bitmap ?


我有同样的挑战更早。这是可能的。NET中使用GDI +来解决。

I had the same challenge earlier. It's possible to solve using GDI+ in .Net.

这篇文章对我帮助很大(均含标本): http://msdn.microsoft .COM / EN-US /库/ Aa479306

This article helped me a lot (including samples): http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/Aa479306


For best quality use "Octree-based Quantization".