检查MS Access 2010中安装MS、Access

2023-09-03 04:20:27 作者:心事写进风

我保持目前检查,看看MS Access 2007中是否已安装的应用程序。它通过验证某个注册表项来实现的。

I am maintaining an application which currently checks to see whether MS Access 2007 is installed. It does this by verifying that a registry key exists.

public bool IsAccess2007Installed()
    RegistryKey rootKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(@"Access.Application.12\shell\open\command", false);

    return rootKey != null;

我怎么会去核实是否已安装MS Access 2010中?或者更好的是,我将如何验证的MS Access 2007或更高版本?

How would I go about verifying whether MS Access 2010 is installed? Or better yet, how would I verify that MS Access 2007 or later is installed?


It is assumed that the user has administrator privileges.


您可以检查该键的值(如Access.Application.12)代替。 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Classes下\ Access.Application \ CURVER

You can check this key for a value (eg. Access.Application.12) instead. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Access.Application\CurVer


So your line of code would be:

RegistryKey rootKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(@"Access.Application\CurVer", false);

if (rootKey == null) return false;

string value = rootKey.GetValue("").ToString();
int verNum = int.Parse(value.subString(value.indexOf("Access.Application.")));
if (value.StartsWith("Access.Application.") && verNum >= 12)
{ return true; }