
2023-09-03 04:09:58 作者:爱一个人有多难

我使用iTextSharp的(.NET 2.0 Vista的)。该iTextSharp的版本是4.1.2.0

am using iTextSharp ( .NET 2.0 Vista ). The iTextSharp Version is

PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(pdfFile); 

是图书馆导致抛出一个异常说 预告片没有发现   该文件存在,可以在Adobe被视为没有问题 任何想法?

is causing the library to thrown an exception saying "Trailer not found" The file exists and can be viewed in Adobe no problem Any ideas?



The trailer is a part the structure of a PDF file. If you're getting an error saying it can't be found then the first thing I'd think is your file is corrupt. Being able to open the PDF in a PDF viewer program doesn't necessarily mean the PDF isn't corrupt; I understand that if it's a linearized PDF file the viewer won't attempt to use the trailer.


Does your code throw an IOException for any PDF you attempt to read?

如果是这样,那么也许使用更近 版本iTextSharp的,将有助于或至少张贴一些code。 如果没有,那么我会工作,重建 PDF文件你想的过程。 If so, then maybe using a more recent version of iTextSharp will help or at least post some code. If not, then I'd work on recreating the PDFs you're trying to process.