什么是重新present System.Double作为排序字符串的最佳方式是什么?字符串、方式、present、System

2023-09-04 00:45:38 作者:薍ㄋ兯奏

在数据格式,其中所有基础类型都是字符串,数字类型必须转换为标准化的字符串格式可以按字母顺序进行比较。例如,的值 27 可以重新presented为 00027 如果没有负面影响。

In data formats where all underlying types are strings, numeric types must be converted to a standardized string format which can be compared alphabetically. For example, a short for the value 27 could be represented as 00027 if there are no negatives.


What's the best way to represent a double as a string? In my case I can ignore negatives, but I'd be curious how you'd represent the double in either case.



Based on Jon Skeet's suggestion, I'm now using this, though I'm not 100% sure it'll work correctly:

static readonly string UlongFormatString = new string('0', ulong.MaxValue.ToString().Length);

public static string ToSortableString(this double n)
    return BitConverter.ToUInt64(BitConverter.GetBytes(BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(n)), 0).ToString(UlongFormatString);

public static double DoubleFromSortableString(this string n)
    return BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble(BitConverter.ToInt64(BitConverter.GetBytes(ulong.Parse(n)), 0));


我已经证实了乔恩怀疑 - 否定不使用这种方法的工作。下面是一些示例code:

I have confirmed what Jon suspected - negatives don't work using this method. Here is some sample code:

void Main()
    var a = double.MaxValue;
    var b = double.MaxValue/2;
    var c = 0d;
    var d = double.MinValue/2;
    var e = double.MinValue;

static class Test
    static readonly string UlongFormatString = new string('0', ulong.MaxValue.ToString().Length);
    public static string ToSortableString(this double n)
        return BitConverter.ToUInt64(BitConverter.GetBytes(BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(n)), 0).ToString(UlongFormatString);


Which produces the following output:



Clearly not sorted as expected.



The accepted answer below is the correct one. Thanks guys!


填充可能是比较尴尬的双打,考虑到巨大的范围( double.MaxValue 是1.7976931348623157E + 308)。

Padding is potentially rather awkward for doubles, given the enormous range (double.MaxValue is 1.7976931348623157E+308).


Does the string representation still have to be human-readable, or just reversible?

这给人一种可逆转换导致相当短的字符串重新presentation preserving字典顺序 - 但它不会在所有显而易见的是什么值只是从字符串。

That gives a reversible conversion leading to a reasonably short string representation preserving lexicographic ordering - but it wouldn't be at all obvious what the double value was just from the string.

编辑:不要的使用 BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits 孤单。这颠倒了顺序为负值。

Don't use BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits alone. That reverses the ordering for negative values.

我敢肯定,你的可以的使用执行此转换 DoubleToInt64Bits ,然后一些位变换,但不幸的是,我不能让它工作的现在的,我有三个孩子谁是不顾一切地去公园......

I'm sure you can perform this conversion using DoubleToInt64Bits and then some bit-twiddling, but unfortunately I can't get it to work right now, and I have three kids who are desperate to go to the park...


In order to make everything sort correctly, negative numbers need to be stored in ones-complement format instead of sign magnitude (otherwise negatives and positives sort in opposite orders), and the sign bit needs to be flipped (to make negative sort less-than positives). This code should do the trick:

static ulong EncodeDouble(double d)
    long ieee = System.BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(d);
    ulong widezero = 0;
    return ((ieee < 0)? widezero: ((~widezero) >> 1)) ^ (ulong)~ieee;

static double DecodeDouble(ulong lex)
    ulong widezero = 0;
    long ieee = (long)(((0 <= (long)lex)? widezero: ((~widezero) >> 1)) ^ ~lex);
    return System.BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble(ieee);

示范这里: http://ideone.com/JPNPY


Here's the complete solution, to and from strings:

static string EncodeDouble(double d)
    long ieee = System.BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(d);
    ulong widezero = 0;
    ulong lex = ((ieee < 0)? widezero: ((~widezero) >> 1)) ^ (ulong)~ieee;
    return lex.ToString("X16");

static double DecodeDouble(string s)
    ulong lex = ulong.Parse(s, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
    ulong widezero = 0;
    long ieee = (long)(((0 <= (long)lex)? widezero: ((~widezero) >> 1)) ^ ~lex);
    return System.BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble(ieee);

演示: http://ideone.com/pFciY