
2023-09-03 03:22:14 作者:伴之则安。


I need advice on how to have my C# console application display text to the user through the standard output while still being able access it later on. The actual feature I would like to implement is to dump the entire output buffer to a text file at the end of program execution.

我用,而我的解决方法没有找到一个更简洁的方法是继承的TextWriter 覆盖的写作方法,使他们既能写一个文件,并调用原来的标准输出作家。事情是这样的:

The workaround I use while I don't find a cleaner approach is to subclass TextWriter overriding the writing methods so they would both write to a file and call the original stdout writer. Something like this:

public class DirtyWorkaround {
  private class DirtyWriter : TextWriter {
    private TextWriter stdoutWriter;
    private StreamWriter fileWriter;

    public DirtyWriter(string path, TextWriter stdoutWriter) {
      this.stdoutWriter = stdoutWriter;
      this.fileWriter = new StreamWriter(path);

    override public void Write(string s) {


    // Same as above for WriteLine() and WriteLine(string),
    // plus whatever methods I need to override to inherit
    // from TextWriter (Encoding.Get I guess).

  public static void Main(string[] args) {
    using (DirtyWriter dw = new DirtyWriter("path", Console.Out)) {

      // Teh codez


See that it writes to and flushes the file all the time. I'd love to do it only at the end of the execution, but I couldn't find any way to access to the output buffer.


Also, excuse inaccuracies with the above code (had to write it ad hoc, sorry ;).


对于这个完美的解决方案是使用 log4net的与控制台附加目的地和文件附加目的地。有很多可用的其他附加目的地也是如此。它还允许你把不同的附加目的地关闭,在运行时。

The perfect solution for this is to use log4net with a console appender and a file appender. There are many other appenders available as well. It also allows you to turn the different appenders off and on at runtime.