
2023-09-03 03:12:48 作者:酒酿樱桃子


I think this is a simple question so I assume I'm missing something obvious. I don't really ever use preprocessor directives but I was looking at someones code which did and thought it was something I should be familiar with.


So I looked at the msdn example here it has the code:

#define DEBUG
// ...
    Console.WriteLine("Debug version");


My two questions are:

在上面为什么他们定义DEBUG的例子吗?我是在被你的调试v编译设置IM pression。释放模式? 在看它有的#define MYTEST ,然后如果它定义写入控制台依赖,但这是如何从只使用一个变量不同的另一个例子?我是什么在这里失踪? in the example above why do they define DEBUG? I was under the impression that was set if you compile in debug v. release mode? looking at the other example which has #define MYTEST and then writes to the console dependent on if it 'defined', but how does this differ from just using a variable? What am I missing here?




I would actually recommend using the Conditional Attribute instead of inline #if statements.

private void DeleteTempProcessFiles()


Not only is this cleaner and easier to read since you don't end up having #if, #else within your code. This style is less prone to errors either during normal code edits and well as logic flow errors.