
2023-09-03 03:01:47 作者:γ命中缺你γ


I know that when objects are created in Heap, they also have extra two more fields:

同步块索引 类型的对象指针


So I wonder when Type Object is created in Heap memory and what kind of data it holds? It only represents the metadata of the Type?


I haven't been able to find much detail about that.



The Type object also contains the bytes that back any static fields on the type as well as a method table with one entry per method defined within the type.


Each entry in the method table points to JIT-compiled native code if the method has been executed at least once.


The type object is created the first time the type is instantiated or the first time a static type member is referenced.

我强烈建议购买杰弗里里希特的书的副本, CLR通过C#如果你要得到一个什么样的CLR做了非常深的了解。标题为第4章在运行时如何事情相关的部分涵盖了详细堆中的.NET类型分配过程。

I highly recommend buying a copy of Jeffrey Richter's book, CLR via C# if you want to get a really deep understanding of what the CLR does. The section titled "How Things Relate at Runtime" in chapter 4 covers the .NET type allocation process on the heap in detail.


This MSDN Magazine article has some good information as well, specifically the sections on Type Fundamentals and MethodTable.