取消对IIS 7中使用的HttpHandler请求验证IIS、HttpHandler

2023-09-03 02:59:57 作者:玛丽莲梦兔

我有了处理得到特字在其网址(如:放;, +,%等)的应用程序。当我使用这些字符(当然,我把他们逃脱)我收到错误的请求响应code与消息发送请求到应用程序ASP.NET检测URL中的无效字符 。跟踪请求指示我的错误是从验证模块抛出。

I have an application that has to deal with getting "special" characters in its URL (like &, +, %, etc). When I'm sending a request to the application using these characters (of course I'm sending them escaped) I'm getting "Bad Request" response code with the message "ASP.NET detected invalid characters in the URL". Tracing the request shown me that the error was thrown from the "Authentication Module".


I've searched a bit and found that every page has a ValidateRequest and changing its value to false solves the problem. Unfortunately I'm using Httphandler. Does anyone know how to stop the request validation using http handler?



I ran into the same problem (creating an IHttpHandler that needed to receive requests with special characters in the URL). I had to do two things to fix it:

创建为1的值以下DWORD注册条目: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \微软\ ASP.NET \ VerificationCompatibility


In the web.config, set the allowDoubleEscaping attribute of the requestFiltering element to true.
