
2023-09-03 02:42:20 作者:承诺再美也美不过虚伪

我有一个家长的WinForm具有MyDataTable _dt 为成员。该MyDataTable类型是在类型数据集设计工具在Visual Studio 2005(MyDataTable从数据表继承)创建 _dt 会从通过ADO.NET分贝填充。基于表单的用户交互变化,我从表中删除一行,像这样:

I have a parent WinForm that has a MyDataTable _dt as a member. The MyDataTable type was created in the "typed dataset" designer tool in Visual Studio 2005 (MyDataTable inherits from DataTable) _dt gets populated from a db via ADO.NET. Based on changes from user interaction in the form, I delete a row from the table like so:


后来, _dt 按值传递到对话框的形式。从那里,我需要通过所有的行扫描,以建立一个字符串:

Later on, _dt is passed by value to a dialog form. From there, I need to scan through all the rows to build a string:

           foreach (myDataTableRow row in _dt)
                sbFilter.Append("'" + row.info + "',");

问题是,在后删除这样做,下面的异常被抛出: DeletedRowInaccessibleException:已删除行的信息无法通过行访问

The problem is that upon doing this after a delete, the following exception is thrown: DeletedRowInaccessibleException: Deleted row information cannot be accessed through the row.


The work around that I am currently using (which feels like a hack) is the following:

           foreach (myDataTableRow  row in _dt)
                if (row.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted &&
                    row.RowState != DataRowState.Detached)
                    sbFilter.Append("'" + row.info + "',");






I think that the default setting won't show deleted rows, maybe you change it somewhere.


You can always create an extra RowView and control its filter and do your loop over the View.