
2023-09-03 02:41:17 作者:待在绿匣里的猫


Which is faster; using event.Invoke(args), or just calling event(args). What's the difference? Is one faster or slower than the other; or is it just a matter of preference?


someDelegate(...)是一个编译器速记 someDelegate。调用(...)。 他们都编译为相同的IL— A callvirt 指令的委托类型的调用方法

Writing someDelegate(...) is a compiler shorthand for someDelegate.Invoke(...). They both compile to the same IL—a callvirt instruction to that delegate type's Invoke method.


The Invoke method is generated by the compiler for each concrete delegate type.

相反, DynamicInvoke 方法的基础上定义的代理键入,使用反射调用委托和是缓慢的。

By contrast, the DynamicInvoke method, defined on the base Delegate type, uses reflection to call the delegate and is slow.