
2023-09-03 02:13:48 作者:圆满分手← →


I have found some similar questions but none gave me what I really need.

下面的东西,我已经加入这个我的web.config 来处理用户会话过期:

Here is the thing, I have added this to my web.config to handle user session expiration:

<sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="1" />

1分钟后,从 Session_End中事件的Global.asax 上升:

Sub Session_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
End Sub


Response is not available in this context.


(By the way, this question got an anwswer telling that this is ok and it got upvotes).


I don't want nothing fancy. I just want a simple way to redirect the user to the login page when the session time expires. That's all.




Session_End is a server-side event, meaning it is triggered on the web server and has nothing to do with a request by the client. This is why the Request is unavailable.


You have two choices in this matter:

在每个客户端请求,检查是否有特定的会话变量设置。如果不是,则意味着previous会话已经过期,新的会议,必须填充。 (我假定这就是为什么你要检查会话过期)

On each client request, check if a specific Session variable is set. If it is not, it means the previous Session has expired and the new Session must be populated. (I am assuming this is why you want to check for Session expiration)


Have a javascript call on the client that periodically goes back to the server to check if the Session is still valid. If the Session has expired, you can warn the user that their Session is about to expire.
