
2023-09-03 01:48:43 作者:不顾一切


I am creating a quick temporary fix so sorry if this is dirty, but-



I would like to use Powershells Register-Event cmd to wait for a file dropped in a folder, then call a function that parses the file and outputs it to excel. I don't need help with the coding aspect, just the concept. It is still a little mysterious to me as of where this Event is running and what resources it has to work with.


一个名为.ps1文件底部注册的事件,要求在顶部,调用批处理文件的功能。 行为:的停止在这条线:

One .ps1 file with registered events at the bottom, calling a function at the top, called by a batch file. Behavior: Stops on this line:

$sr = new-object System.IO.StreamReader($copyPath)


This is my first invocation of .NET, so this is why I was assuming it is an issue with .NET.

二的.ps1文件,FileWatcher和分析器,无论工作带来极大的单独运行时,调用批处理文件。 行为:的FileWatcher输出这行,但未能输出分析器任何线路,并且永远不会获取该行

Two .ps1 files, FileWatcher and Parser, both work great when run separately, called by a batch file. Behavior: FileWatcher Outputs "This Line" but fails to output any lines in Parser, and never gets to that line.

Register-ObjectEvent $fsw Changed -SourceIdentifier FileChange -Action {
  Write-Host "This Line"
  Write-host "That Line"


I even got as desperate as to go to two ps1 files and two batch files. Lets just say it didn't work.


Generic batch file command I am using:

powershell.exe -noexit C:\scripts\src\FileWatcher.ps1



Why does certain commands run fine when called from a registered event, and other commands like .NET not work?


Is what I am trying to achieve even possible?

你有一个更好的方式来实现我的目标是什么? (脚本只,记住这是一个修补程序)。

Do you have a better way to achieve my objective? (Scripting only, remember this is a hotfix).



The following worked for me (code mostly copied from here):

$folder = 'c:\Temp'
$filter = '*.*'

$monitor = New-Object IO.FileSystemWatcher $folder, $filter -Property @{
  IncludeSubdirectories = $false;
  NotifyFilter = [IO.NotifyFilters]'FileName, LastWrite'

Register-ObjectEvent $monitor Created -SourceIdentifier FileCreated -Action {
  $name = $Event.SourceEventArgs.FullPath
  $sr = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($name)
  Write-Host $sr.ReadToEnd()