
2023-09-03 01:42:58 作者:单手挽佳人




My reason for asking is that I recently updated a serial loop where a StringBuilder was being used to generate a SQL statement based on various parameters. The result was that the SQL was a bit jumbled up (to the point it contained syntax errors) in comparison to when using a standard foreach loop, therefore my gut feeling is that TPL is not suited to performing tasks where the data must appear in a particular order.




My reason for asking this relates back to an eariler question I asked relating to performance profiling of TPL operations. An answer to the question enlightened me to the fact that TPL is not always more efficient than a standard serial loop as the application may not have access to multiple cores, and therefore the overhead of creating additional threads and loops would create a performance decrease in comparison to a standard serial loop.




Correct. If you expect things in order, you might have a misunderstanding about what's going to happen when you "parallelize" a loop.


请参阅MSDN杂志在下面的文章: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163340.aspx

See the following article on the msdn magazine: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163340.aspx

使用库,你可以方便地EX preSS潜在的并行   在现有的顺序code,其中暴露的并行任务会   同时在所有可用的处理器上运行。

Using the library, you can conveniently express potential parallelism in existing sequential code, where the exposed parallel tasks will be run concurrently on all available processors.