
2023-09-03 01:41:56 作者:怎样都不如自己爱自己:


ID - 自动编号〜是他们的主键 - 从字面上本周仔猪出生 母猪订单 - 母猪数量

ID - autonumber ~ is their primary key Week - literally the week piglets were born Sow Order - Sow number

规则: 1.如果仔猪同一周出生的,不管他们的母猪。仔猪编号继续 2.如果仔猪在下周出生,编号返回到0001,然后第1。

Rules: 1. If piglets were born the same week, regardless their Sow. Piglet numbering continues 2. If piglets were born next week, numbering returns to 0001 then Rule 1.

的方式小猪无以复加的,每周+播种+(小猪数)。例如,(10),它会产生10小猪0001到0010在周= 01安培;母猪= 01。

The way piglets were to be added is, week + sow + (number of piglets). For example, (10), it will generate ten piglets 0001 to 0010 in week=01 & sow=01.

现在的问题是,如果用户对仔猪的数量是错误的加入?根据图片, 01 01有两个仔猪,如果它不只是2?说,其3。因此用户需要删除它,然后编号必须进行调整,以..

The problem is, what if the user had a mistake on the number of piglets to be added? Based on the picture, 01 01 has two piglets, what if its not just 2? Say, its 3. So user need to delete it and then numbering MUST be adjusted to..

01 | 01 | 0001  
01 | 01 | 0002  
01 | 01 | 0003  
01 | 02 | 0004  
01 | 02 | 0005 


What is the proper method to do this kind of stuff?


如果Access数据库版本至少Access 2010中则事件驱动的数据宏可以用来执行的编号方案。对于命名表[小猪]

If the Access database version is at least Access 2010 then event-driven data macros can be used to enforce the numbering scheme. For a table named [Piglets]


with data macros for [AfterInsert]:





and a named data macro [RenumberPiglets]:


the renumbering takes place automatically, even if the table is updated from an external application (e.g., VB.NET or C#).


For Access database versions 2007 and earlier, similar logic would have to be written into the data-entry form(s) used to update the table.