发现有两个Active Directory组的成员的用户成员、发现、有两个、用户

2023-09-03 01:14:22 作者:亚特兰斯少年 ∮


I need to find all users that are members of two groups (GroupA and GroupB). I also need to take into account nested groups. What is the best way to do this?


I know that doing an ldap search using memberOf does not take into account nested groups. I could also locate the two groups specifically, get a list of members, and iterate through them, matching up ones that are members of both lists, but the members collection of a group doesn't take into account nested groups either. Are there any methods that do work with nested groups, or do I need to write my own recursive logic?

修改 嵌套组:如果我有一个名为A组安全组。 A组可以有会员,分别是用户或其他组。组B是什么我打电话了嵌套组,如果它是A组的成员。

Edit Nested group: If I have a security group called GroupA. GroupA can have members which are either users or other groups. GroupB is what I am calling a 'nested group' if it is a member of GroupA.


下面是一些在ActiveDirectory中2003 ANS 2008 R2的工作。我使用微软LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_IN_CHAIN​​ 为:

Here is something working in an ActiveDirectory 2003 ans 2008 R2. I use Microsoft LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_IN_CHAIN to :


1) Search recursively (but in one query) all the users from the first group (be careful it return users from security and distributions group)


2) For each user from the first query, I again search recursively (but in one query) if the user belongs to the second group.

static void Main(string[] args)
  //Connection to Active Directory
  string sFromWhere = "LDAP://SRVENTR2:389/dc=societe,dc=fr";
  DirectoryEntry deBase = new DirectoryEntry(sFromWhere, "societe\\administrateur", "test.2011");

  // To find all the users member of groups "Grp1"  :
  // Set the base to the groups container DN; for example root DN (dc=societe,dc=fr) 
  // Set the scope to subtree
  // Use the following filter :
  // (member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=Grp1,OU=MonOu,DC=X)
  DirectorySearcher dsLookFor = new DirectorySearcher(deBase);
  dsLookFor.Filter = "(&(memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=Grp1,OU=MonOu,DC=societe,DC=fr)(objectCategory=user))";
  dsLookFor.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree;

  SearchResultCollection srcUsers = dsLookFor.FindAll();

  // Just to know if user is present in an other group
  foreach (SearchResult srcUser in srcUsers)
    Console.WriteLine("{0}", srcUser.Path);

    // To check if a user "user1" is a member of group "group1".
    // Set the base to the user DN (cn=user1, cn=users, dc=x)
    // Set the scope to base
    // Use the following filter :
    // (memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=(cn=Group1,OU=groupsOU,DC=x))
    DirectoryEntry deBaseUsr = new DirectoryEntry(srcUser.Path, "societe\\administrateur", "test.2011");
    DirectorySearcher dsVerify = new DirectorySearcher(deBaseUsr);
    dsVerify.Filter = "(memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=Grp3,OU=MonOu,DC=societe,DC=fr)";
    dsVerify.SearchScope = SearchScope.Base;

    SearchResult srcTheUser = dsVerify.FindOne();

    if (srcTheUser != null)
      Console.WriteLine("Bingo {0}", srcTheUser.Path);