
2023-09-03 01:07:01 作者:你给的伤数不清


Here is what i want to do, and i know it is possible with perl, php, python and java, but i am working with c#


how can i do the following:

public void amethod(string functionName)


I want to pass the functionName to the method and I want it to be executed as above.



Do i need ANTLR or any other tool for this?




You can execute a method by name via Reflection. You need to know the type, as well as the method name (which can be the current object's type, or a method on a different object, or a static type). It looks like you want something like:

public void amethod(string functionName) 
    Type type = typeof(AVeryLargeWebServiceWithLotsOfMethodsToCall);
    MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod(functionName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
    method.Invoke(null,null); // Static methods, with no parameters


这听起来像你真正想要得到的结果,从这个方法了。如果是这样的话,因为它仍然在(你写的这是我的猜测,给出)服务的静态方法,你可以做到这一点。 MethodInfo.Invoke 将直接返回该方法的返回值作为一个对象,所以,如果,例如,你正在返回一个字符串,你可以这样做:

It sounds like you actually want to get a result back from this method. If that's the case, given that it's still a static method on the service (which is my guess, given what you wrote), you can do this. MethodInfo.Invoke will return the method's return value as an Object directly, so, if, for example, you were returning a string, you could do:

public string amethod(string functionName) 
    Type type = typeof(AVeryLargeWebServiceWithLotsOfMethodsToCall);
    MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod(functionName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
    object result = method.Invoke(null,null); // Static methods, with no parameters
    if (result == null)
        return string.Empty;
    return result.ToString();
    // Could also be return (int)result;, if it was an integer (boxed to an object), etc.