
2023-09-03 01:00:56 作者:乜許メ該結束


I'm looking through a WPF application looking for a memory leak (using ANTS Memory Profiler 5.1) and I keep seeing some pages and controls taking up memory when they shouldn't be.


So I go to the Object Retention Graph and to see what is keeping them around, and I keep seeing this for every page:


The thing is, I have KeepAlive set to false on every page, and I don't think such a property exists on the user controls.


Can anyone tell me what I should be looking for? Is this even a memory leak or is this normal behaviour for a WPF application?



Yes, according to what you've provided, you have a memory leak. When you found the references chain, and it's not in your code, the easiest way to go would be... Reflector.

图片说: JournalEntryKeepAlive._keepAliveRoot 字段保存引用的对象。让我们在反射器,看看这家伙是如何迷上我们的目标。

Image says: JournalEntryKeepAlive._keepAliveRoot field holds a reference to the object. Let's go in Reflector and see how this guy is hooked with our object.

这一次,它是容易的,和所有的痕迹导致 NavigationService.MakeJournalEntry()函数,然后到 NavigationService.IsContentKeepAlive()。在这里,它是:

This time it was easy, and all traces lead to NavigationService.MakeJournalEntry() function and then to NavigationService.IsContentKeepAlive(). Here it is:

internal bool IsContentKeepAlive()
    bool keepAlive = true;
    DependencyObject dependencyObject = this._bp as DependencyObject;
    if (dependencyObject != null)
        keepAlive = JournalEntry.GetKeepAlive(dependencyObject);
        if (!keepAlive)
            PageFunctionBase base2 = dependencyObject as PageFunctionBase;
            bool flag2 = !this.CanReloadFromUri;
            if ((base2 == null) && flag2)
                keepAlive = true;
    return keepAlive;


Now you know the rules. Object is kept in memory if:

这不是一个依赖对象; 在附加属性格式JournalEntry.KeepAlive是真实的; 这不是一个的PageFunction,它不能从乌里重新加载。


After this investigation it may be worth reading more about JournalEntry.KeepAlive property on MSDN.


This strategy helped me to find many memory-related insects. Hope it helps you too :).


PS: If you keep having problem with finding this particular leak, you could paste minimal code sample for us to reproduce it and give you more proper answer.

干杯, Anvaka

Cheers, Anvaka