
2023-09-03 00:59:36 作者:旁人怎会懂。


I'm using this snippet to analyze the rows I've selected on a datagrid.

for (int i = 0; i < dgDetalle.Items.Count; i++)
    DataGridRow row = (DataGridRow)dgDetalle.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(i);
    FrameworkElement cellContent = dgDetalle.Columns[0].GetCellContent(row);
    // ... code ...

周期运行平稳,但处理某些索引时,第二行会引发空异常。 MSDN文档说, ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(我)如果'如果该项目没有实现,但这并不能帮助我猜我怎么能拿将返回null所需的值。

The cycle runs smoothly, but when processing certain indexes, the second line throws a null exception. MSDN's documentation says that ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(i) will return null if 'if the item is not realized', but this doesn't help me to guess how could I get the desired value.


How can I scan all the rows? Is there any other way?


我用这个片段读复选框如下解释 。所以我不能用绑定或 ItemSource 水平,除非我改变了很多东西。而我不能。我做code维修。

I'm using this snippet to read a CheckBox as explained here. So I can't use binding or ItemSource at all unless I change a lot of things. And I cannot. I'm doing code maintenance.


的DataGrid 是虚拟化的项目,各行(即集装箱)仅创建行时在视图。

The DataGrid is virtualizing the items, the respective rows (i.e. containers) are only created when the row is in view.


You could either turn off virtualization (which makes the first time loading very slow if you have many items, also the memory usage will be higher) or you just iterate over the data and check the values of the data objects' properties which should be bound to the data-grid. Usually you should not need the UI elements at all...