JSON.NET JsonConvert VS .NET JavaScriptSerializerNET、JSON、JsonConvert、JavaScriptSerializer

2023-09-03 00:52:04 作者:神回复


What is better to use when it comes to encoding and decoding of JSON in .NET? I have tried both and upto this point JsonConvert seems to be doing a good job. I have used JavaScriptSerializer in the past successfully but have had some problems in the recent past with it. Is it better to use JSON.NET than the .NET class?

什么是使用适当的库preferred编码/解码JSON的功能?我用SerializeObject / DeSerializeObject从JSON.NET和序列化/反序列化的.NET。

What are the preferred functions for encoding/decoding json using the appropriate library? I use SerializeObject/DeSerializeObject from JSON.NET and Serialize/DeSerialize from .NET.




I don't have enough rep to comment yet so had to post this as an answer. I think this is exactly the kind of comparison you are looking for.


It basically says that JSON.Net is better because it among other things...

是更快 的 LINQ 以JSON支持 能转换 JSON和从 XML Is faster Has LINQ to JSON support Can convert JSON to and from XML


In my opinion the only positive, (and it is a small positive), I can see for the built-in serializer is that there is no extra external dependency to manage.