
2023-09-03 00:42:56 作者:再见


Hey! I have been programming with php for a few years. I do like php and hope to keep working with it for a few more years, but I see that my company is going into the java world. Can anyone recommend any good books, tutorials, podcast´s, whatever that will help me learn java? Something basic and intermediate would be nice.

此外,如果有任何图坦卡蒙的(和其他任何你有)的.NET(C#preferably)我也要AP preciate,因为我看到越来越多的招聘职位为.NET这里葡萄牙

Also if there are any tut's (and whatever else you got) for .NET (c# preferably) I would also appreciate it because I am seeing more and more job offerings for .NET here in Portugal.




A lot of programming language constructs are language agnostic (pretty much all languages have loops for example), so it can be useful to have a primer on the syntactic differences for the structures you're familiar with.

所以这里有一个primer在PHP和Java 之间的语法上的不同。

So here's a primer on the syntactic differences between PHP and Java.