
2023-09-04 00:10:55 作者:一抹淚光ひ訴盡百般相思

某些Windows应用程序按钮添加到控制箱,这显然是该组最小化,最大化,以及关闭按钮的名称。一个这样的应用是Skype的,它有一个按钮,用于从开关一窗 - 即-包含-一切模式到一窗口每次通话模式,反之亦然:

Some Windows applications add buttons to the control box, which apparently is the name for the group of minimize, maximize, and close buttons. One such application is Skype, which has a button for switching from a one-window-that-contains-everything mode to a one-window-per-conversation mode and vice versa:

我想知道你如何能做到这一点。我环顾四周,不知道怎样。我认为它需要的P / Invoke和Windows API,但我不知道有什么功能,我会用。

I'd like to know how you can do this. I've looked around and can't figure out how. I assume it would require P/Invoke and the Windows API, but I'm not sure what function I'd use.



I think one of these might be what you're looking for:

HTTP://www.$c$cproject.com/kb/ VB / transmenuandtitlebuttons.aspx

HTTP://www.$c$cproject.com/kb/ CS / mintraybtn.aspx