良好的混淆器的VS2010和.NET V4项目建在Visual Studio集成建在、良好、项目、NET

2023-09-04 00:09:32 作者:惹人嫌

我要寻找一个好的obfuscater有Visual Studio集成,可商用或免费的,与VS 2010和.NET V4的工作。

I am looking for a good obfuscater that has visual studio integration, can be commercial or free, and has to work with vs 2010 and .net v4.


Something that is as hassle free as possible, and can obfuscate my release builds


Dotfuscator 随Visual Studio中,没有用它虽然。

Dotfuscator ships with Visual Studio, haven't used it though.

还有对这个arstechnica 一个线程。这是几年老,但值得一读。

There's also a thread on arstechnica about this. It's a couple of years old but worth a read.