
2023-09-03 00:16:41 作者:伱的幸福,涐独家赞助

由于Vista和放大器; Windows 7的出来我的一些.NET应用程序已经开始抛出安全性异常。

Since Vista & windows 7 came out some of my .NET application has started throwing security exceptions.


I've noticed that some applications (i.e. my antivirus, control panel) have a small shield and when I run these applications administrator privileges are automatically requested from me by windows.


I know that as a user I can set the application to run as administrator but that's not good enough because if the application will run without privileges it would crash on my users machines.


Is there a way to tell windows (programmatically) I want the application to run with administrative privileges?


您需要标记您的应用程序为要求管理员权限的应用程序清单。 下面是从MSDN杂志解释过程中的文章。

You need to mark your app as requiring admin privileges in the application manifest. Here's an article from MSDN Magazine that explains the process.