
2023-09-02 23:57:03 作者:我在听你要我学的那首情歌


I've recently wrote a rather large custom configuration group. I'm curious if it is possible to move this configuration to a separate file via the following:

    	<sectionGroup name="MyCustomGroup">
    		<section name="MyCustomSection"/>
    <MyCustomGroup file="alt.config" />


This is something similar to what you can do with the file attribute for appSettings. I realize there is most likely a need to create a ConfigurationPropertyAttribute for my custom section handler, however I've been unsuccessful in finding any example or direction in this regard.


据我所知,你的不能的外部化整个SectionGroup(即 MyCustomGroup )使用 configSource 属性,但你必须处理这对科级(即 MyCustomSection

As far as I know, you cannot externalize an entire SectionGroup (i.e. MyCustomGroup) using the configSource attribute, but you have to handle this on the Section level (i.e. MyCustomSection)

        <sectionGroup name="MyCustomGroup">
                <section name="MyCustomSection"/>
       <MyCustomSection configSource="externalfile.config" />

外部文件 externalfile.config 将包含您的实际的配置设置,直接用自己的自定义栏目标签开始(没有前导&LT ;? ?XML ....&GT; &lt;结构&GT; 或需要什么):

The external file externalfile.config would then contain your actual config settings, starting directly with your own custom section tag (no leading <?xml....?> or <configuration> or anything needed):

    ... your settings here......

