
2023-09-02 20:49:13 作者:〆爱丶狠扯淡ヾ


I am currently using the binary formatter (Remoting) to serialize and deserialize objects for sending around my LAN.

我最近从2.0升级到.NET 3.5。它的3.5推出任何新的类型,以提高系列化的表现?

I have recently upgraded from 2.0 to .NET 3.5. Has 3.5 introduced any new types to improve serialization performance?

我看了的DataContractSerializer ,但这种序列化什么底层的XML权利......必须增加内存占用。

I’ve looked at the DataContractSerializer, but this serializes anything to underlying XML right … which must increase the memory footprint.


What’s the fastest serializer for sending objects across my LAN? I don’t care a about interop or versioning …. I need speed!


I am open to third-party open source alternatives.


这听起来像 Protocol Buffers的可能是你在找什么。

It sounds like Protocol Buffers might be what you're looking for.

有三个.NET实现,我所知道的: protobuf网, 的protobuf-CSHARP端口和的