
2023-09-02 10:53:51 作者:寻欢


I have recently heard of Functional Testing over Unit Testing.


I understand that Unit Testing tests each of the possibilities of a given piece of code from its most atomic form. But what about Functional Testing?

这听起来好像如果code ++工程,只是测试,但它是可靠的,单元测试?

This sounds to me like only testing if the code works, but is it as reliable as Unit Testing?


I've been told there was two school of thoughts for the matter. Certains would prefer Unit Testing, others Functional Testing.


Is there any good resources, links, books, any references or one of you all who can explain and elighten my path on the subject?




Jason's answer is correct. Different types of tests have different purposes, and can be layered for best results (good design, meeting specifications, reduced defects).

在单元测试=驱动器设计(测试驱动开发或TDD) 在集成测试=做的所有作品共同努力 在客户验收测试=它确实满足了客户的要求 在手动测试=往往涵盖了用户界面;专门的测试人员可以查找自动化失误 负载测试=如何系统是否具有真实的数据执行 Unit testing = drives design (with Test-Driven Development, or TDD) Integration testing = do all the pieces work together Customer acceptance testing = does it meet the customer's requirements Manual testing = often covers the UI; dedicated testers can find what automation misses Load testing = how well does the system perform with realistic amounts of data


There is some overlap between these categories; unit tests can specify behavior, for instance.


And there are others; for more than most people care to know, see Software Testing.


One point people missed is that unit testing is testing pieces of code in isolation. Good unit tests don't hit the database, for instance. This has two advantages: it makes the tests run fast so you'll run them more often, and it forces you to write loosely coupled classes (better design).

您请求的资源;我建议罗伊Osherove的书单元测试与.NET 的例子艺术。虽然没有一本书是完美的,这一次给很多优秀的三分球上编写好的测试。

You asked for resources; I recommend Roy Osherove's book The Art of Unit Testing with Examples in .NET. While no book is perfect, this one gives many excellent pointers on writing good tests.


And for writing tests against existing software, nothing beats Michael Feathers' book Working Effectively with Legacy Code.