2023-09-02 02:06:19 作者:我们终于老死不相往来了


I'm getting slightly jealous of the innovation I'm seeing from the Python and Ruby community around CSS. For example, see:

http://sandbox.pocoo.org/clevercss/ http://lesscss.org/ http://sass-lang.com/ http://sandbox.pocoo.org/clevercss/ http://lesscss.org/ http://sass-lang.com/


That said, my question is two fold. Could these library's be easily "ported" to .NET via IronRuby and IronPython so I could then write MSBUILD tasks or HTTP Handlers in C#?


Also, should I bother with this, or is someone else in the .NET community already working on this?


UPDATE: Since I wrote this original question, there has been a lot of work in the .NET community in this space. Check out the following tools that provide assistance for LESS, SASS and even CoffeeScript:

快活 网络工作平台 Chirpy Web Workbench


http://www.dotlesscss.org/ - 我的尝试摆弄少.NET。

http://www.dotlesscss.org/ - My attempt at playing around with Less for .NET.