
2023-09-02 10:50:03 作者:▍限量版男人


How can I render a WPF UserControl to a bitmap without creating a window? I need to render a WPF UserControl and upload it to another program. The bitmaps will be rendered through a Windows Service, so creating a window is not an option (I know there's ways to 'virtually' create windows, but unfortunately anything that calls a command to create a window is NOT an option in my case). Is there a way to RENDER the UserControl without binding it to a Window?



Ended up using an HwndHost with no actual window.

void cwind()
        Application myapp = new Application();
        mrenderer = new WPFRenderer();
        mrenderer.Width = 256;
        mrenderer.Height = 256;

        HwndSourceParameters myparms = new HwndSourceParameters();
        HwndSource msrc = new HwndSource(myparms);
        myparms.HwndSourceHook = new HwndSourceHook(ApplicationMessageFilter);

        msrc.RootVisual = mrenderer;
    static IntPtr ApplicationMessageFilter(
IntPtr hwnd, int message, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled)
        return IntPtr.Zero;