
2023-09-02 10:43:41 作者:毀滅 world

在Windows 8中;我想一个MemoryStream的内容传递给接受型Windows.Storage.Streams.IRandomAccessStream的参数的类。有什么办法来此的MemoryStream转换为IRandomAccessStream?



c system.io.stream 读取html文件,C 中IO简单操作 获取文件详情


对于流,但是,也有辅助的方法来的WinRT和.NET流之间转换: 对于来自WinRT的流转换 - > .NET流:

  InMemoryRandomAccessStream win8Stream =的GetData(); //从某处获取的数据流。
的System.IO.Stream的InputStream = win8Stream.AsStream()

有关转换从.NET流 - > WinRT的流:

  Windows.Storage.Streams.IInputStream inStream中= stream.AsInputStream();
Windows.Storage.Streams.IOutputStream outStream = stream.AsOutputStream();



在announcement对于.NET FX 4.5.1 ,微软表示:


很多你一直想要的方式为.NET流转换为Windows运行时IRandomAccessStream的。就让我们把它叫做AsRandomAccessStream扩展方法。我们没能得到这个功能到Windows 8,但它是我们的第一次补充到Windows 8.1 preVIEW之一。的



通过网络I / O

    VAR IMAGEURL =htt​​p://www.microsoft.com/global/en-us/news/publishingimages/logos/MSFT_logo_Web.jpg;
    VAR memStream =新的MemoryStream();
    memStream.Position = 0;
    image.Source =位图;


In Windows 8; I would like to pass the contents of a MemoryStream to a class that accepts a parameter of type Windows.Storage.Streams.IRandomAccessStream. Is there any way to convert this MemoryStream to an IRandomAccessStream?


To use the extensions: you must add "using System.IO"

In Windows8, .NET and WinRT types are generally converted to/from compatible types under the hood so you don't have to care about it.

For streams, however, there are helper methods to convert between WinRT and .NET streams: For converting from WinRT streams -> .NET streams:

InMemoryRandomAccessStream win8Stream = GetData(); // Get a data stream from somewhere.
System.IO.Stream inputStream = win8Stream.AsStream()

For converting from .NET streams -> WinRT streams:

Windows.Storage.Streams.IInputStream inStream = stream.AsInputStream();
Windows.Storage.Streams.IOutputStream outStream = stream.AsOutputStream();

UPDATE: 2013-09-01

Let it not be said that Microsoft doesn't listen to it's developer community ;)

In the announcement for .NET FX 4.5.1, Microsoft states that:

Many of you have been wanting a way to convert a .NET Stream to a Windows Runtime IRandomAccessStream. Let’s just call it an AsRandomAccessStream extension method. We weren't able to get this feature into Windows 8, but it was one of our first additions to Windows 8.1 Preview.

You can now write the following code, to download an image with HttpClient, load it in a BitmapImage and then set as the source for a Xaml Image control.

    //access image via networking i/o
    var imageUrl = "http://www.microsoft.com/global/en-us/news/publishingimages/logos/MSFT_logo_Web.jpg";
    var client = new HttpClient();
    Stream stream = await client.GetStreamAsync(imageUrl);
    var memStream = new MemoryStream();
    await stream.CopyToAsync(memStream);
    memStream.Position = 0;
    var bitmap = new BitmapImage();
    image.Source = bitmap;