
2023-09-02 01:49:05 作者:虚伪的爱,不要也罢


Let's say I have a generic class as follows:

public class GeneralPropertyMap<T>

在其他类我有一个方法,需要在 GeneralPropertyMap&LT的数组; T&GT; 。在Java中,以便采取在包含任何类型的数组 GeneralPropertyMap 的方法是这样的:

In some other class I have a method that takes in an array of GeneralPropertyMap<T>. In Java, in order to take in an array that contains any type of GeneralPropertyMap the method would look like this:

private void TakeGeneralPropertyMap(GeneralPropertyMap<?>[] maps)

我们使用通配符,这样以后我们可以称之为 TakeGeneralPropertyMap 路过一堆 GeneralPropertyMap 与任何类型 T 每次,像这样的:

We use the wildcard so that later we can call TakeGeneralPropertyMap passing a bunch of GeneralPropertyMap with any type for T each, like this:

GeneralPropertyMap<?>[] maps = new GeneralPropertyMap<?>[3];
maps[0] = new GeneralPropertyMap<String>();
maps[1] = new GeneralPropertyMap<Integer>();
maps[2] = new GeneralPropertyMap<Double>();
//And finally pass the array in.


I'm trying to figure out an equivalent in C# with no success. Any ideas?


泛型在C#中做出比Java泛型强大的保证。因此,你要在C#中的东西,你必须让 GeneralPropertyMap&LT; T&GT; 类继承的类(或接口)的非普通版

Generics in C# make stronger guarantees than generics in Java. Therefore, to do what you want in C#, you have to let the GeneralPropertyMap<T> class inherit from a non-generic version of that class (or interface).

public class GeneralPropertyMap<T> : GeneralPropertyMap

public class GeneralPropertyMap
    // Only you can implement it:
    internal GeneralPropertyMap() { }


private void TakeGeneralPropertyMap(GeneralPropertyMap[] maps)

GeneralPropertyMap[] maps = new GeneralPropertyMap[3];
maps[0] = new GeneralPropertyMap<String>();
maps[1] = new GeneralPropertyMap<Integer>();
maps[2] = new GeneralPropertyMap<Double>();