2023-09-02 01:44:44 作者:承诺太假


What is the most efficient way of calling some business logic from javascript on the client side using AJAX? It looks like you can call a [WebMethod] on an aspx directly from javascript (in my case I'm using JQuery to help out) OR you can call a .asmx directly. Which call incurs less overhead? What is the best practice?


Also, what does the [ScriptService] attribute do on a class? I have never used this before on my .aspx [WebMethod] methods and everything seems to be working fine.


I'm hoping this is a purely objective question. Thanks in advance!



The ScriptService stuff in my opinion is a hidden gem in asp.net. Calls to the script service do not passback form data + viewstate, they are lean, fast JSON payloads.


Heres the best part, ASP.NET3.5's scriptmanager can do most of the work for you regarding generating a JS method for you to call and also setting up any JS classes needed.


A simple example for fetching details for a "Person", assuming Person is a C# class.


namespace MyProj.Services {
  public class PersonService : System.Web.Services.WebService
    [WebMethod, ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = true, ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
    public Person GetPersonDetails(int id)
       /* return Logic here */


<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
  <asp:ServiceReference Path="~/Services/PersonService.asmx" />

通过使用这样的设置,你甚至不会需要的JQuery的帮助来调用服务,并取回一个JS版本的C#Person类的功能,.NET也为你所有。 使用从JS这种服务的一个例子是:

By using a setup like this, you won't even need the help of JQuery to call the service and get back a JS version of your C# Person class, .net does that all for you. An example of using this service from JS would be:

MyProj.Services.PersonService.GetPersonDetails(id, _onDetailsCallbackSuccess, _requestFailed, null);

_onDetailsCallbackSuccess: function(result, userContext, methodName) {
 //all persons properties are now intact and available
 document.getElementById('txtFirstname').value = result.Firtname;

无论如何,这将是更多的则值得探讨的ASP.NET AJAX ScriptService的东西。即使你不打算使用它这一次它是一个pretty的邪恶的功能。

Anyway, it would be more then worth looking into the ASP.NET Ajax ScriptService stuff. Even if you decide not to use it this time it's a pretty wicked feature.


看起来像使用scriptservice的一个很好的基础的例子:http://www.jankoatwarpspeed.com/post/2008/05/14/asp-net-ajax-basics-calling-scriptservices-using-javascript.aspx 在ASP.NET AJAX扩展器,以整合阿贾克斯到您的控制下一个合乎逻辑的步骤。 http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2007/08/19/using-asp-net-ajax-control-extenders-in-vs-2008.aspx Looks like a nice basic example of using a scriptservice: http://www.jankoatwarpspeed.com/post/2008/05/14/asp-net-ajax-basics-calling-scriptservices-using-javascript.aspx ASP.NET Ajax Extenders, the next logical steps to integrating Ajax into your controls. http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2007/08/19/using-asp-net-ajax-control-extenders-in-vs-2008.aspx